One of the quickest ways to build your email marketing list is by creating a lead magnet, or what is also called an ethical bribe. This free giveaway serves to entice visitors to your site to sign up for your email list because they want to access your solution to their problem proffered in your email list opt-in box.
What are the two most important characteristics of an effective lead magnet? It must provide the solution to at least one of the problems of your target market and utilize the keywords that your target market might use when seeking this type of solution. Secondly, your offering must have a high enough perceived value that your visitors would be willing to pay for it.
I routinely opt into many lists just to get the lead magnet. More times than not, the giveaway is simply a long reiteration of a problem, with the solution being available for purchase on the website. This is the WRONG way to introduce yourself to prospects. Don’t be afraid to share some solutions with your prospects — it’s part of developing the Like, Know and Trust factor with them. If you are truly an expert in your field, the info you share for free is only the tip of the iceberg of the variety of solutions you can provide to your prospects. What is the easiest way to create your own lead magnet?
1. Audio of a presentation. Hold a teleclass on a particular topic and record it, or simply record a presentation with audio recording software on your computer. An audience isn’t necessary for a good recording — it is quality content that is the key.
2. Interview of an expert. Request to interview a noted expert in your target market. Ask the expert questions, or pull questions from a pre-assigned list you’ve been given. Record the interview and have it transcribed to create a two-part giveaway.
3. Special report or ebook. A special report is simply a short PDF report that runs between 2-5 pages. You can create this pretty easily by writing an article that’s 1500-2000 words. Typically an ebook is longer than a special report, combining several articles, or topics, to make a more complete overview of a topic. Format it to be easily read and add a bio page and an upsell page and your report is complete.
4. Checklist. A checklist is a 1-2 page PDF file that walks someone through a to-do checklist to complete a task. To create a checklist, simply outline the steps required to complete a particular task and insert a checkmark box in front of each so that the user can print out the list and mark off the steps as they are completed.
5. Video. Using video to promote your business is one of the hottest Internet marketing strategies today. You can create an info video that is a training or tutorial video made by using video screen capture software or recording yourself answering questions or presenting a topic with an inexpensive video camera. Upload it to your site or to one of the video hosting sites, and you’ve got a new client attraction device to give away.
6. Software. For as little as $50, you can hire a programmer to create a simple piece of software to help your prospects automate a task or solve a problem. Another option is to buy a license for some inexpensive software that you can then distribute as you wish.
7. Rolodex (Resources) list. Once you have developed a relationship with your prospects, invariably, you will get asked to make recommendations for vendors to perform certain tasks. Because this list is valuable in that you have already gone through a number of services to find just the right provider and are thus saving your prospects hundreds of dollars and hours of time, create a list of these providers in a PDF document.
8. Templates. Templates are another time-saving device that prevents your prospects from having to reinvent the wheel. Package together templates you regularly use, like templates for telephone follow-up calls, emails, email newsletters, to-do lists, budgets, etc. Anything that will let your prospect use it as a model for developing her own version will be greatly appreciated.
9. Worksheet/workbook. Sometimes information is better delivered in a format where the prospect can jot down ideas, answer questions, or brainstorm. A PDF worksheet or workbook is the ideal format for that to happen. Create a document with a series of questions and space to answer the questions, along with a bit of introductory text to set up the question, and you’ve created a useful workbook.
10. Ecourse. An ecourse is a series of emails that deliver information over a specific course of time via email. Your ecourse can last as short as 3 days or as long as 52 weeks. Once you pick a topic, simply determine the number of points that you want to make as you discuss the topic, and then create an email that thoroughly explains each point. Put the emails together in a sequence in your email marketing program and you have a course.
If you're seeking more ideas, check out this article, 69 Highly Effective Lead Magnet Ideas to Grow Your Email List.
If you simply request visitors to opt into your ezine list or your blog list, you’re not maximizing the work that your website can do for you. Add a client attraction device to your opt-n box and watch your list grow!
We recognize you might need help with this because you are wearing many hats. We would be delighted to provide a hand. If you need some help in creating a lead magnet for your website that can get you results for your business, we want to help you. Schedule a Brainstorming with Donna Session to explore the best options for you.
I help seasoned small business owners create marketing ideas and strategies that raise their visibility, broaden their reach, and grow their revenues.
As a business owner with 24 years of experience, I am the cure for you if you have run out of marketing creativity. I have a unique ability to sense or see the underlying scheme of things, whether it's like a blueprint to build something or an x-ray that shows hidden connections, and connect the dots at a deeper level. I make it really Easy. Enjoyable. Effective. Just like your marketing will be.
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